Audi 80/Avant
+ The description
+ Engines
+ System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and воздухозаборные channels
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and transmission
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Brake system
+ Antiblocking system of brakes
+ Wheels and tyres
+ Kuzovnaja electrosystem
+ Ignition system
+ Illumination
+ Signalling devices
+ Devices and auxiliary devices
+ Heating and ventilation
- Body elements
Forward bumpers
Forward part of the car
External rear-view mirrors
The forward and back has flown down
Cover of a luggage carrier at a sedan
Back door of the versatile person
Back bumper
The sdvizhnoj hatch
Procleaning of apertures for a water drain
The control of anticorrosive protection of the bottom of a body
+ Search of malfunctions
+ Specifications
Forward bumpers
After a detachment of both parts of a lattice of a radiator on the right and at the left in a bumper there are accessible both fixing bolts of a bumper. Now they can be turned out a key for internal шестигранника 6 mm (arrow). |
Position of an arm (1) fastenings боковин a bumper can be changed after easing designated on an illustration arrows of bolts. |
Arrows show on болтовые connections which need to be weakened for removal of the bottom protection of a motor compartment. |
To open a cowl.
To remove the bottom protection of a motor compartment.
To turn out in the middle behind a bumper from below a bolt with crosswise шлицем.
To disconnect and remove small plug-in elements of a lattice of a radiator on the right and at the left below in a bumper.
Under them there is a bolt with internal шестигранником 6 mm. To turn out it.
To remove plastic дюбели on the right and at the left on the back bottom ends of a bumper.
To disconnect trailer parts of a bumper from кузовных arms on a wing. For this purpose to press on a bumper lateral face downwards, simultaneously taking away it from a body.
The bumper ends to hook over wheel niches and to remove in a direction forward.
Now it is possible to remove a bumper in a direction forward.
Cars with antifog headlights and-or turn indexes in a bumper: to disconnect cable connections to headlights in a bumper.
Cars with фароомывателями: to disconnect hoses from atomizers and to close their stoppers, not to devastate the tank.
Overlays in front on a bumper can be removed separately.
The holder of licence plate in the middle of a bumper is in front fixed by two bolts.
After removal of the holder of licence plate both боковины it is possible to remove from clamps separately by means of flat plastic шпателя. For this purpose to press downwards both small fixing wedges, simultaneously cautiously separating an overlay a hand.
To connect wires and water hoses.
Bumper at first to establish in arms.
Now to enter боковины a bumper so that the bumper ends on faced facing of a wheel niche.
Боковины at first to hang for a bottom edge on fastenings on a wing. Then to press a bumper sideways; thus the upper edge is fixed.
Alignment of bumpers
Просле bumper installations should be checked, whether the crack between the metal strip located hardly below headlights, and a bumper everywhere is identical.
Solving the size between a bottom edge of a cowl and a bumper, however, is.
This distance should make 6 mm.
Otherwise it is necessary to remove once again a bumper, to weaken its arms and a little to shift them in longitudinal apertures.
The help: plastic bumpers Audi 80 practically without changes accept the primary form even after strong collisions. Therefore damages from road accident on the details located behind a bumper, can remain untouched. After collisions it is necessary to check up (on presence or absence of damages) following details: the forward party of a bumper under an overlay (cross-section cracks), support behind a bumper, fixture of the case of a headlight, a cowl bottom edge, a radiator lattice. |