Combination of devices, voltage stabilizer, the control of a cooling liquid, the indicator of quantity of fuel, speedometer
G1 – The indicator of quantity of fuel G3 – The indicator of temperature of a cooling liquid G21 – A speedometer G22 – The speedometer gauge J6 – A voltage stabilizer K1 – The indicator of a headlight of headlights L10 – A bulb of illumination of a combination of devices (6х) T10 – Ten-contact штекерное connection of black colour, штекернаяколодка in the additional block of the relay T26 – двадцатишестиконтактноештекерное connection of yellow colour, in a combination of devices T26a – двадцатишестиконтактноештекерное connection of dark blue colour, in a combination of devices (81) – connection on "weight" – 1 in an electrochain to the instrument panel
(83) – connection on "weight" – 1 in an electrochain ahead on the right (A42) – a connecting line (the indicator of quantity of fuel) in an electrochain to the instrument panel * Only at all-wheel drive models F1 – The switch with a hydrodrive (1,8 bar) F9 – The switch of a signalling device of lay brake system F12 – Contact of the control of the starting arrangement F14 – The control switch of temperature of a cooling liquid (too a heat) F22 – The switch with a hydrodrive (0,3 bar) F34 – Alarm contact of level of a brake liquid F66 – The switch of the indicator of a cooling liquid G2 – The gauge of the indicator of temperature of a cooling liquid G14 – The voltmeter