Audi 80/Avant (B4)

Since 1991-1995 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/Avant
+ The description
+ Engines
+ System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and воздухозаборные channels
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and transmission
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Brake system
+ Antiblocking system of brakes
- Wheels and tyres
   Wide tyres and wheels
   Pressure check in tyres
   The control of a condition of tyres
   Wheel replacement
   The control of an inhaling of wheel bolts
   Balancing of wheels
   Purchase of new tyres
+ Kuzovnaja electrosystem
+ Ignition system
+ Illumination
+ Signalling devices
+ Devices and auxiliary devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body elements
+ Search of malfunctions
+ Specifications


The control of an inhaling of wheel bolts


    At each installation of wheels it is necessary to supervise through some passed kilometres a correct inhaling of bolts for fastening of wheels. The ordered moment of an inhaling of bolts is 110 Н•м so it is not necessary to press their in addition extended key. The indicator of the moment of an inhaling concerns the serviceable, slightly greased carving. Too strong or non-uniform inhaling can lead to a warp of brake disks or drums. Non-uniform brake action, vibration at braking and dot or plane deterioration of tyres becomes result of it.