Audi 80/Avant (B4)

Since 1991-1995 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/Avant
+ The description
+ Engines
+ System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ Cooling system
+ Fuel tank and the fuel pump
+ The air filter and воздухозаборные channels
+ Injection system
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and transmission
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Brake system
+ Antiblocking system of brakes
- Wheels and tyres
   Wide tyres and wheels
   Pressure check in tyres
   The control of a condition of tyres
   Wheel replacement
   The control of an inhaling of wheel bolts
   Balancing of wheels
   Purchase of new tyres
+ Kuzovnaja electrosystem
+ Ignition system
+ Illumination
+ Signalling devices
+ Devices and auxiliary devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ Body elements
+ Search of malfunctions
+ Specifications a13f00c7


The important size of a wheel is depth запрессовки d. This size designates distance between the middle of a wheel and surfaces прилегания rims to a wheel nave.

At the left: suitable wheel bolts for steel and легкосплавных wheels from Audi can be distinguished on deepenings on a bolt head.

On the right: so the steel wheel for Audi 80 looks. In metal following designations are beaten out:

1 – a wheel designation;
2 – depth запрессовки;
3 – detail number.

On cars Audi 80 wheels with following designations can be established: 6 J x 15 ET 37 or 7 J x 15 ET 37. Sometimes it is possible to meet on a rim an additional designation Н 2. Figures and letters designate the following:

6 or 7: the width of a rim in inches, is measured between boards закраины rims cross-section to a direction of rotation of a wheel.
J: a designation of height of a board.
х: a designation of a deep rim.
15: diameter of a rim in inches, is measured from a board to a board (landing diameter of the tyre).
ЕТ 37: depth запрессовки wheels of 37 mm.
Н2: a designation of a deep wheel with ring corbels on landing regiments. Two ledges inside in the rim basis at lateral loading (sharp passage of turn at low pressure of air in tyres) do not allow to tyre boards to come off with закраины.

These standard designations specify only the basic sizes of the tyre, but not the data specific to everyone car, as, for example, number of apertures for fastening of a wheel or diameter of these apertures.

Wheel bolts and wheels – the uniform block

In the constructive relation wheel bolts and wheels represent the uniform block and consequently they cannot be applied separately. Conic landing to fixing apertures of a wheel is precisely co-ordinated with cones of wheel bolts. Other forms of a cone cannot guarantee reliable fastening of a bolt and by that wheel.

For established and admitted to application at factories Audi wheels (steel and легкосплавных) it is possible to use only a so-called bolt with корончатой a head (number of a detail 431 601 139). He can be distinguished on special deepenings above on a bolt head. For the rims bought in shop of spare parts, other rules are applicable. Probably, it is necessary to buy wheel bolts of the corresponding manufacturer!

Wheels for winter tyres

Winter tyres should be bought at once with suitable steel rims. It though and is more expensive during the first moment, but will save means at перебортировке. In the shops trading in tyres, it is quite often possible to get complete sets under the favourable price. For winter tyres standard wheels 6 J х 15 will approach. Also it is possible to get second-hand wheels.

Legkosplavnye wheels under the influence of salt for посыпания roads can корродировать up to full unfitness. Therefore it is necessary to eliminate as soon as possible damages of a protective varnish covering them. The one who uses in the winter легкосплавные wheels, should supervise their condition at each sink of the car.